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Re: Re: Apply function to parts of a list

Stern wrote:

><I sent this reply to guerom00 directly but am resending it to group so it
>gets archived for posterity>
>On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Stern <nycstern at> wrote:
>>There are probably a lot of ways to do this. The most natural for me is to
>>use nested Transpose commands; this has the advantage of avoiding anonymous
>>functions, so it's clearer if nested in the middle of other commands that
>>use anonymous functions.
>>my way:
>>Transpose[{2*Transpose[data][[1]], Transpose[data][[2]]}]
Even faster is:

Transpose[{2,1} Transpose[data]]

A slower alternative is to use ScalingTransform (new in 6):


There is also AffineTransform, RescalingTransform, TranslationTransform 
and RotationTransform, providing useful tools for tranforming vectors.

Carl Woll
Wolfram Research

>>This may not be memory- or compute-efficient, as it requires repeating the
>>Transpose[data] command, so for large datasets you may prefer
>>Module[{transp}, transp = Transpose[data];
>>  Transpose[{2*transp[[1]], transp[[2]]}]];
>>Either of these is quicker than where you started --
>>In[19]:= Timing[MapAt[2*# &, data, Table[{i, 1}, {i, 1, Length[data]}]];]
>>Out[19]= {0.004409, Null}
>>In[20]:= Timing[Transpose[{2*Transpose[data][[1]],
>>Out[20]= {0.000672, Null}
>>In[21]:= Timing[Module[{transp}, transp = Transpose[data];
>>   Transpose[{2*transp[[1]], transp[[2]]}]];]
>>Out[21]= {0.000698, Null}
>>On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 2:59 AM, guerom00 <guerom00 at> wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>Very often, I find myself having datas to plot of this form :
>>>So, very conventional : a list of abscissa and ordinate. Now, let's say
>>>I want to multiply by 2 all my ascissa. Right now, I write :
>>>It's OK but I isn't there another way to achieve this as I find this
>>>rather "involved" for such a simple thing ?
>>>Thanks in advance.

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