Integrate[] confuses real and imaginary parts
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg86563] Integrate[] confuses real and imaginary parts
- From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
- Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 20:52:37 -0500 (EST)
Dear group, assuming there's a 6.x.y kernel behind , there is still a serious bug in Integrate[]: I entered (to get definite integrals, I did not use "x" and expected x*If[-1<Im[t0]<1,x*Pi,...] or sth equivalent): Integrate[1/(1+(t-t0)^2),{t,-Infinity,Infinity}] and I got x*If[Im[t0] != 0, Pi, Integrate[ (1 + (t - t0)^2)^(-1), {t, -Infinity, Infinity}, Assumptions -> t0 â?? Reals]] Well, Im[I] is definitely != 0. And Normal[Series[1/(1 + (t - I)^2), {t, 0, 1}]] gives 1/4 + I/(2*t) - (I*t)/8 additionally, entering Integrate[1/(1+(t-I)^2),{t,-Infinity,Infinity}] in the integrator's formular gives an unevaluated result: x*Integrate[(1 + (-I + t)^2)^(-1), {t, -Infinity, Infinity}] which is OK to me, but "x*ComplexInfinity" or "Indeterminate" or "$Failed" would be better. Best, Peter P.S.: This seems to be a hard task for most CASs: Because I may not tell the name of other products, take the following as anonymous examples: (%i1) integrate(1/(1+(x-2*%i)^2), x, minf, inf); (%o1) 0 (%i2) integrate(1/(1+(x-10001*%i/10000)^2), x, minf, inf); Maxima encountered a Lisp error: Error in MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL [or a callee]: 100000000 is not of type SEQUENCE.Automatically continuing.To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil. (%i3) integrate(1/(1+(x-(1+a)*%i)^2), x, minf, inf);Is a positive, negative, or zero?p; (%o3) 0 (%i4) integrate(1/(1+(x-(1+a)*%i)^2), x, minf, inf); Is a positive, negative, or zero? n; Is a+2 positive, negative, or zero? n; (%o4) 0 (%i5) integrate(1/(1+(x-(1+a)*%i)^2), x, minf, inf); Is a positive, negative, or zero? z; (%o5) -(2*%pi*(4*a^2+12*a+8))/((-4*a-4)*(2*a+4)) (%i6) ratsimp(%); (%o6) %pi oh my.... or: > int(1/(1+(t-t0)^2),t=-infinity..infinity); Pi > int(1/(1+(t-I)^2),t=-infinity..infinity); undefined > int(1/(1+(t-a*I)^2),t=-infinity..infinity); { 0 a < -1 { { undefined a = -1 { { Pi a < 1 { { undefined a = 1 { { -Pi 1 < a wow! almost good; but: > int(1/(1+(t-2*I)^2),t=-infinity..infinity); 0 is !=-Pi or: int(1/(1+(t-t0)^2),t=-infinity..infinity); PI int(1/(1+(t-I*10001/10000)^2),t=-infinity..infinity); 0 int(1/(1+(t-a*I)^2),t=-infinity..infinity); int(1/((t - I*a)^2 + 1), t = -infinity..infinity)