Intermediate Evaluation in FindMinimum
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg86617] Intermediate Evaluation in FindMinimum
- From: "Ausman, Kevin" <ausman at>
- Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 03:10:01 -0500 (EST)
- References: <>
As I promised in the LevenbergMarquardt thread, I am now posting a full working example of the problem I am having. Fortunately, as I was writing this up I discovered some errors that I have fixed. Unfortunately, there is still something wrong (very different from what I was seeing earlier). Fortunately, I was able to distill the problem down to a much simpler one. So, here we go. First, let's define our model: testmodel[k1_?NumericQ, a0_?NumericQ, totalTime_?NumericQ, t_] := testmodel[k1, a0, totalTime, t] = Piecewise[{{0, t < 0}, {a[t] /. First[NDSolve[{a'[t] == -k1 a[t], a[0] == a0}, {a}, {t, 0, totalTime}]], t >= 0}}]; Now let's convolve the model with an experimentally-determined instrument function: testsimulation[xptXAxis_, instfn_, k1_?NumericQ, a0_?NumericQ] := testsimulation[xptXAxis, instfn, k1, a0] = ( instFnY = Transpose[instfn][[2]]; normalizedinstfn = instFnY/Total[instFnY]; xAxisStep = xptXAxis[[2]] - xptXAxis[[1]]; modelXAxis = Join[Table[t, {t, xptXAxis[[1]] - xAxisStep (Length[normalizedinstfn] - 1), xptXAxis[[1]] - xAxisStep, xAxisStep}], xptXAxis]; rawModelYAxis = Table[testmodel[k1, a0, Last[xptXAxis], t] /. (t -> modelXAxis[[i]]), {i, 1, Length[modelXAxis]}]; ListConvolve[Transpose[instfn][[2]], rawModelYAxis]); I need a function to evaluate the square error: chiSquare[xpt_, mdl_] := chiSquare[xpt, mdl] = Total[(xpt - mdl)^2]; And I need both a sample instrument function and some sample data to fit to: tspacing = 10^-6; testInstFunc = Table[{i, 0}, {i, -3 tspacing, -1 tspacing, tspacing}]~Join~ Table[{i, Exp[-i/tspacing]}, {i, 0, 20 tspacing, tspacing}]; xptX = Table[i, {i, -50 tspacing, 500 tspacing, tspacing}]; mdlY = testsimulation[xptX, testInstFunc, 7000, 0.003]; xptY = (mdlY + Table[RandomReal[NormalDistribution[0, 0.00002]], {i, 1, Length[mdlY]}]); Show[ListPlot[Transpose[{xptX,xptY}]],ListLinePlot[Transpose[{xptX,startingpoint=testsimulation[xptX,testInstFunc,6500,0.0025]}],PlotStyle=AERed= ]] chiSquare[xptY,startingpoint] Performing a fit, however, ends up taking us further away from the minimum: testSolution=FindMinimum[csq=chiSquare[xptY,testsimulation[xptX,testInstFunc,k,a0]],{{k,6500},{a0,0.0025}},StepMonitor:>Print[ListPlot[csq]]] And as you can see from the StepMonitor output, chiSquare is returning a list instead of a scalar. I can reproduce this problem in an even simpler format like this: chiSquare[xptY,testsimulation[xptX,testInstFunc,k,a0]]/.Last[testSolution] This returns a long list. But move the replacement rule slightly and it returns a scalar: chiSquare[xptY,testsimulation[xptX,testInstFunc,k,a0]/.Last[testSolution] ] What is up with that? Any help at all is greatly appreciated! Kevin
- References:
- LevenbergMarquardt
- From: "Ausman, Kevin" <>
- LevenbergMarquardt