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Re: How do little quickest

Daniel Lichtblau <danl at> writes:


> I missed a few optimizations, both in speed and memory.
> For speed, it turns out that NextPrime computations were the bottleneck. 
> A bit surprising, since that's not in an inner loop, but there it is. 
> Easy to repair though, because we get those just by searching the sieve 
> for the next position that still has a zero.
> For memory I did two things. One is to combine everything into one 
> Compile. This is because Compile has, in effect, call-by-value 
> semantics. Thus the second invocation would start by making a copy of 
> the large sieve, in effect doubling memory use. The second change was to 
> not use list operations that involve Take/Drop. This unfortunately makes 
> things a bit slower than otherwise, but also avoids making copies of 
> large arrays.
> Running on a 64 bit machine, I can now handle at least n=29.

How much VM do you have?  What operating system are you using, and what
version of Mathematica?  On my 64 bit machine I get:

In[1]:= $Version

Out[1]= 5.1 for Linux (October 25, 2004)

In[2]:= minprods2 = Compile[{{n,_Integer}}, Module[
           {fx, len=2^(n-1), pr=3, start=2, logpr,
             n2, parts, min=100.},
           fx = Table[0.,{len}];
             logpr = Log[N[pr]];
             Do [fx[[j]] += logpr, {j,start,len,pr}];
             While[start<=len && fx[[start]]!=0., start++];
             pr = 2*start-1;
             n2 = 2^(j-1);
             min = 100.;
             Do[min = Min[min,fx[[k]]+fx[[2*n2-k+1]]], {k,n2}];
             , {j,n-1}]]]

In[3]:= Timing[minprods2[29]]

No more memory available.
Mathematica kernel has shut down.
Try quitting other applications and then retry.

Scott Hemphill	hemphill at
"This isn't flying.  This is falling, with style."  -- Buzz Lightyear

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