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Re: Font size in plot coordinates?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg92478] Re: Font size in plot coordinates?
  • From: Szabolcs <szhorvat at>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 18:31:37 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gbt2qe$lda$> <gbulls$laj$>

On Oct 1, 4:01 am, Jens-Peer Kuska <ku... at>
> Hi,
> try:
> Graphics[{Text[Style["Fixed Size", FontSize -> 12], {1, 1}],
>    Text[Style["Scaled Size", FontSize -> Scaled[0.1]], {0, 0}]}]
> and look what happen when you rescale the graphics.


Thanks for the reply.  I know about this, but I am looking for a way
to give the size in the same kind of coordinates we use for other
graphics objects, and not coordinates that depend on the plot range.

Consider the following example:

A = Text[Style["A", FontSize -> Scaled[0.4]], {0.5, 0}]
circle1 = Circle[{0, 0}, 1]
circle2 = Circle[{-2, 0}, 1/2]

These two graphics look different even though they contain the same

Graphics[{circle1, A}, Axes -> True]
Graphics[{circle1, circle2, A}, Axes -> True]

I would like to fix the size of that letter "A" in a flexible way, so
that I won't have to keep the PlotRange constant in order to keep the
relative size of the text and circle constant.

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