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Re: could not get Simplified form

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg92549] Re: could not get Simplified form
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 06:17:36 -0400 (EDT)

On 10/3/08 at 6:42 AM, Obaid.Rehman at (Obaid
Rehman) wrote:

>Latest problem that I have faced is the following. I have done some
>symbolic computation and use "ReplaceAll" command to assign each
>variable (Except "DS") to a certain numerical value. The result
>should be a single value with DS but I got the following result. You
>can notice that answer could not be in simplified form. I have
>already used Simplify and FullSimplify but that doesn't work as

>DS (194.424 +0.00920267 0.211002.1.44488+9.86337=D710-21

>In the brackets some time numbers are separated by dot and some time
>not.  Also, what does it mean (two dots).    0.211002.1.44488?

This is a non-sense result and is a sure sign there is a problem
in the code you used to get this result.

>Please solve this puzzle

In order for anyone to do this you will need to post the code
that produced the results you posted above. From what you have
posted, I expect the source of the problem is likely to be the
pattern you are using for ReplaceAll.

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