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Re: Re: Why is Mathematica assuming k==l and how do I

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg92699] Re: [mg92684] Re: Why is Mathematica assuming k==l and how do I
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 06:41:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: hanlonr at

Look in the documentation for the command Part

Bob Hanlon

---- mariam <mariamsaleh.khan at> wrote: 

On Oct 8, 12:38 pm, Bob Hanlon <hanl... at> wrote:
> Integrate[Cos[k alpha] Cos[l alpha], {alpha, -Pi, Pi},
>  Assumptions -> {l == k, Element[{l, k}, Integers]}]
> Pi
> Integrate[Cos[k alpha] Cos[l alpha], {alpha, -Pi, Pi},
>  Assumptions -> {l != k, Element[{l, k}, Integers]}]
> 0
> Assuming[{l == k, Element[{k, l}, Integers]},
>  Integrate[Cos[k alpha] Cos[l alpha], {alpha, -Pi, Pi}]]
> Pi
> Assuming[{l != k, Element[{k, l}, Integers]},
>  Integrate[Cos[k alpha] Cos[l alpha], {alpha, -Pi, Pi}]]
> 0
> Bob Hanlon
> ---- Aaron Fude <aaronf... at> wrote:
> =============
> As in
> Assuming[Element[{k, l}, Integers] ,
>  Integrate[Cos[k alpha] Cos[l alpha], {alpha, -Pi, Pi}]]
> I get 0 whereas the answer is Pi if k=l;
> Thanks!
> Aaron
> --
> Bob Hanlon

hi all,
i found your group via web-search.
i am new to mathematica and learning about some codes needed in my
i want to know that:

  	amplist[i1]= Read[StringJoin[jproc,"/",QCD[i1],"diagrams.amp"]],
  	ileng[i1] = Length[amplist[i1]],

    	Print["Processing amp[",i1,",",i2,"]"],
    	If[i1===2,{amp[i1,i2] = amplist[i1][[i2]][[3]]}, {amp[i1,i2] =
---------------------------------- and so on.
 What does amp[i1,i2] = amplist[i1] [[i2]] [[3]] mean? I mean any
f[i.j]=g[i] [[j]] [[k]]
I am confused about the double-brackets used  [[----]].

2) in another expression,
itwo = StringPosition[jproc,"2"][[1,1]]

what for [[ x, y]] is used?

I'll be very grateful for your help.


Bob Hanlon

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