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Re: Looking for Stop

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93096] Re: Looking for Stop
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 01:27:57 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <gdugb5$jq8$>


Quit[] and Exit[] terminate the Kernel .. it is not a good idea
to use it in a application.

If you need a fool proof program you must write it in that
way form the very first line.


or something like that are the functions in you program that
terminate a function in case of
"detect an irrecoverable error requiring user intervention"


carlos at wrote:
> Mathematica has two termination commands:
>    Abort[]  interrupts a computation
>    Exit[] or Quit[]   returns control to OS
> I use Exit[] in some course-distributed application programs
> that detect an irrecoverable error requiring user intervention
> and program changes. This has an undesirable side effect:
> all cells containing support modules have to be reinitialized.
> Abort[] does not have that effect; however it doesnt stop
> execution of whatever follows.
> Is there a command "in between" that stops kernel
> execution but leaves cells initialized? Constraint:
> it has to work with versions >=4.1.  I looked for
> Stop[] but there isnt such a thing under versions 4 or 5.
> Note: played with Throw and Catch, but this only terninates
> the evaluation of whatever is inside Catch[...].  Not too
> useful for big programs.  I also tought to place a forward
> Goto to a Label: at the end of the main program;
> that doesnt work either since a label is not visible
> until it is reached.
> What happens if the code hits Break[] and there is no enclosing
> Do, For or While? Need to check that possibility.

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