Re: Is there a way to make Mathematica commands and functions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg93151] Re: Is there a way to make Mathematica commands and functions
- From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
- Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 05:48:19 -0500 (EST)
- References: <ge6nf7$lhs$>
Hi, do the following only once lst = Select[ Names["System`*"], ! StringMatchQ[#, "$*"] && Attributes[#] =!= {} &]; replace = {ToLowerCase[#], #} & /@ lst; DoSubstitution[{newname_String, oldname_String}] := Block[{s1, s2, tmp, sym}, s1 = ToExpression[newname]; s2 = oldname; tmp = {s1[any___], s2[any]}; Quiet[ tmp = ((tmp /. {a_, b_} :> {a, Hold[b]})) /. {a_, Hold[s_String[b_]]} :> (Hold[a, s[b]] /. s -> ToExpression[s]); SetDelayed @@ tmp ] ] DoSubstitution /@ replace; and now plot[sin[x], {x, 0, 16}] work! Regards Jens stpatryck wrote: > Hello All, > > I'm a newbie to Mathematica and find having to capitalize Mathematica > commands and functions somewhat annoying. > > Is there some way or program or module or notebook or whatever out > there that will make Mathematica accept lower case commands and > functions without my having to redefine all the functions? > > Please e-mail me at stpatryck at with any suggestions or > solutions. > > Thanks very much in advance. > >