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Re: Functional programming?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg91959] Re: Functional programming?
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 03:40:22 -0400 (EDT)

On 9/13/08 at 5:57 AM, siegman at (AES) wrote:

>I suggest it might be instructive if some of the functional
>programming proponents on this group could provide us DO-looping old
>timers with a brief summary or tutorial as to what is really meant
>by, or involved in, "functional programming"?

I wouldn't know where to start such a tutorial. Why don't the
various tutorials in the online help address your need here? And
what about the many books already written on programming in Mathematica?

When I first started using Mathematica, like many others I had
come with some background in procedural languages C, C++ and
FORTRAN. And my initial programming in Mathematica made use of
For loops etc. I moved to functional programming after reading a
couple of Maeder's books and other books on Mathematica. I
gained more familiarity with this style of programming by simply
using it. Also, I made a sure to understand code others had
written using functional programming worked by looking up the
syntax of any unfamiliar command. Using Mathematica on a daily
basis in this fashion, I eventually became more comfortable with
the functional style. And now, I would have to look up the
syntax for For and similar constructs before using them.

I simply do not know any better way to learn any programming
language other than simply using it to solve real problems. Yes,
this takes time. But mastery of anything takes time. There
simply are no shortcuts.

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