MathGroup Archive 2008

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Lagrangian/KKT conditions.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg92250] Lagrangian/KKT conditions.
  • From: Mark Markovich <shotputer at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 03:32:09 -0400 (EDT)

So we need to make a mathematica program that will classify the critical points from the Lagrangian/KKT conditions.

//Basically this is the first time that I am doing anything in mathematica! So honestly I don't know much, I went through some tutorials, and else, and that help me a little bit...//

So I am able to calculate all of the KKT conditions from given objective function, and given constraints...

But now, I somehow need to take these results, and put it in some tipe of function that will actualy solve this conditons and find critical points. 

Now, how do I take something that mathematica calculates and parse it in some other function????

help, please...

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