MathGroup Archive 2009

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Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager--available free to Premier Service subscribers and sites

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg98347] Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager--available free to Premier Service subscribers and sites
  • From: Wolfram Research <newsdesk at>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 02:47:06 -0400 (EDT)

Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager extends the parallel computing 
power built in to Mathematica 7, and is freely available to users 
with Premier Service and to organizations with a site license.

This new technology makes it easy for you to discover and run 
Mathematica computation kernels on your remote hardware. This 
lends more CPU power to parallel Mathematica tasks, and can make 
idle hardware and software resources available to your whole 
workgroup. It can utilize existing clusters, ad hoc grids, or any 
combination thereof.

Simply decide who has access to each machine and how many 
Mathematica computation kernels each can run. Lightweight Grid 
Manager's logging tools let you monitor use and look for 
potential problems, all through a web interface.

For more information, or to watch a screencast on Lightweight 
Grid Manager, visit the product pages:

Lightweight Grid Manager requires a Mathematica license and is 
available for all Mathematica platforms. It is included with 
gridMathematica Server, is available for other Mathematica 
licenses as a free benefit of Premier Service, and can be 
purchased from the Wolfram web store.

NOTE: Mathematica users with Premier Service and site users will 
receive an email in the next few days with instructions on how to 
download their free copies.

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