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Mathematica documentation - for newest and older versions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg98797] Mathematica documentation - for newest and older versions
  • From: Bob F <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 01:27:11 -0400 (EDT)

I just discovered that Wolfram now has all the documentation collected
in one place for older versions of Mathematica and webMathematica and
gridMathematica and Mathematica CalcCenter and Publicon, apparently in
English, Japanese, Chinese, French, and German, along with about 20
packages. It is located at
-- and there is even a PDF version of Stephen Wolfram's classic
"Mathematica Book" for version 5 at
if you don't already have a copy (this is the 1464 page book that is
no longer in print and is a wonderful source of information IMHO).

I have not noticed this before, but think it's a great resource that
people can use. Thanks very much Wolfram for putting all this into one
nice web site tree like this!!!

Now if only the PDF versions of the Documentation Center content for
version 7.0 were done, life would be grand indeed!!!! (but they are
are on their way the web site says -- see
to see what they are intending to have if you have not seen this
before. It appears that you will be able to order hardcopies (for a
fee) of all the 7.0 documentation as well as download free versions of
the PDF files for each of the sections. I am hoping that they also
have one complete PDF file that has everything in it to make searching
for things in the Mathematica documentation possible without the
Documentation Center, although I agree that not having the ability to
treat the documentation as a normal Mathematica notebook to play
around with, will be hard to get used to not having. But I think it
will provide a nice addition to the family of tools available to help
with learning and using Mathematica!!

Kudo's to Wolfram for providing these sorts of tools!!


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