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Re: ClearAll ?? or what

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg102855] Re: ClearAll ?? or what
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 06:08:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h7371j$b28$> <h75nba$p3g$> <h77nb8$s5d$> <h788qn$bgs$> <h7b08s$h1$>


>>> The problem (a minor one) is that if you do this, then the first time 
>>> you execute such a notebook in a newly opened Mathematica session, you 
>>> will get the "error" message:
>>>    Remove::rmnsm: There are no symbols matching "Global`*". >>
>> a message is a message and an error is an error. I think this is not
>> meant to be an error message, but a warning message, and I think it is
> I guess my mistake was to click the ">>" at the end of this 
> warnng/message/"error"/whatever, which took me to the 
> Mathematica documentation for Remove::rmnsm, in which I 
> read, quote:
>   "An error occurs if there are no symbols with names that 
>    match the string pattern given in the argument of Remove"

The purpose of my message and my intention was not to decide whether
you, Mathematica or anyone else made a mistake. The purpose of the
message was to show you how you can get rid of the message without
defining dummy variables (which is just a workaround and could not help
under certain circumstances). If that information has no value for you,
feel free to ignore it.

If you want to turn that into a discussion of who made which mistake I
would like to add this: obviously the documentation of Remove::rmnsm
(which I never found necessary to read before) contradicts my suggestion
to interpret this as a warning rather than an error. I fully accept the
authority of the documentation and stand corrected.  But for all
practical considerations I will still stick to my interpretation, just
because I think it is quite clear what happens and why. And honestly I
don't even feel like discussing whether that is a mistake in the
documentation or implementation, just because I don't think it's worth to.



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