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Re: NIntegrate with Numeric Matrix Function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105815] Re: NIntegrate with Numeric Matrix Function
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 06:54:25 -0500 (EST)

On 12/19/09 at 6:25 AM, akovalev at wrote:

>I have a function defined via SetDelayed (:=) with _?NumberQ in the
>argument to speed up integration. It works fine when the result of
>the function is a scalar. However, when the result of the function
>is a vector I get an error "Integrand is not numerical". I know that
>removing _?NumberQ solves the problem but then integration becomes 3
>times slower.

>Is there a way to let NIntegrate know that it should expect a vector
>as an input?

You are having a problem since

In[1]:= NumberQ[RandomReal[1, {5}]]

Out[1]= False

That is _?NumberQ will never match a list and your function will
return its arguments unevaluated causing the error message.

The pattern __?NumberQ will match a sequence of numbers rather
than a single number. So, perhaps something like

In[2]:= f[x__?NumberQ] := Total[{x}]

In[3]:= f @@ RandomReal[1, {5}]

Out[3]= 3.08095

will do what you need. Note, the pattern __?NumberQ also doesn't
match a list. I get around this problem using the syntax f@@
instead of f@ and reconstituting the list in the definition of f.

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