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Integrating InterpolatingFunction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105895] Integrating InterpolatingFunction
  • From: blamm64 <blamm64 at>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 00:14:50 -0500 (EST)

Man, how stupid am I?! (please don't answer that). My post just
previous to this ( I could not find a way to delete it and thereby not
suffer the shame of public humiliation) was full of errors, so I
apologize if you waded through it.

Several blunders in that post. In the definition of


dp3p4 = p3[t] - p4[t] was already set, so the definition should have


The definition xP2[t_]=Integrate[qFCnoT,{s,0,t}];

was stupid as well, it should have been

xP2[t_]=Integrate[qFCnoT /. t->s,{s,0,t}];

Which will give precisely the same result as

xP[t_]=Integrate[qFC[s],{s,0,t}] !

and I'm back where I started.  So, I am really stuck.

So my question is:

Given qFC[t_] = qFConIN[p3[t] - p4[t]] (which works fine), where
qFConIN is an InterpolatingFunction,

how can I get, effectively, something equivalent to

xP[t_]=Integrate[qFC[s],{s,0,t}] ?

-Brian L.

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