Re: Functions with variable number of arguments and options
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg105899] Re: [mg105884] Functions with variable number of arguments and options
- From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
- Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 00:15:34 -0500 (EST)
- References: <8549963.1261555384218.JavaMail.root@n11>
One possible solution is to give patterns to the optional arguments so that Rule will not match. ClearAll[g] Options[g] = {opt -> "DefaultOptionValue"}; SyntaxInformation[ g] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {_, _., _., OptionsPattern[]}}; g[x_, y : (_?NumericQ) : 0, z : (_?NumericQ) : 0, OptionsPattern[]] := {"g", x, y, z, OptionValue[opt]} Then the following all work. g[1] g[2, 2] g[3, 3, 3] g[4, 4, opt -> "SpecialValue"] g[4, 0, 4, opt -> "SpecialValue"] If several of the optional arguments have the same pattern, then the first must always be entered in order to enter the second. If they all have different patterns then any one can be omitted regardless of sequence. Here is another possibility. The idea here is to have special headers for each argument, have default values for each argument, and allow the user to enter the arguments in any order. It uses the following helper routine. ClearAll[setnamedvalue]; Attributes[setnamedvalue] = {HoldFirst}; setnamedvalue[var_, name_, vallist_List] := Module[{value, work}, work = Cases[vallist, name[_]]; If[Length[work] > 0, var = Part[work, 1, 1]] ] ClearAll[f] Options[f] = {opt -> "DefaultOptionValue"}; SyntaxInformation[f] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {___, OptionsPattern[]}}; f[values : (_xval | _yval | _zval) ..., OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}, setnamedvalue[x, xval, {values}]; setnamedvalue[y, yval, {values}]; setnamedvalue[z, zval, {values}]; {"f", x, y, z, OptionValue[opt]}] f[] {"f", 1, 0, 0, "DefaultOptionValue"} f[zval[3], yval[2], opt -> "SpecialValue"] {"f", 1, 2, 3, "SpecialValue"} David Park djmpark at From: Thomas M=FCnch [mailto:thomas.muench at] Dear Mathgroup, I can't figure out how to define a function properly that has a variable number of arguments and options. When I call the function with less than the full set of arguments, I want the missing arguments to take on default values. Below are two toy examples, functions f and g, that both behave identical. How do I make the options work when I call the function with less than the full set of arguments? Thank you for your help, thomas Clear[f]; Options[f]={opt->"DefaultOptionValue"}; SyntaxInformation[f]={"ArgumentsPattern"->{{_,_.,_.},OptionsPattern[]}}; f[x_,y_,z_,OptionsPattern[]]:={"f",x,y,z,OptionValue[opt]} f[x_,y_,OptionsPattern[]]:={"f",x,y,0,OptionValue[opt]} f[x_,OptionsPattern[]]:={"f",x,0,0,OptionValue[opt]} Clear[g]; Options[g]={opt->"DefaultOptionValue"}; SyntaxInformation[g]={"ArgumentsPattern"->{{_,_.,_.},OptionsPattern[]}}; g[x_,y_:0,z_:0,OptionsPattern[]]:={"g",x,y,z,OptionValue[opt]} (* The following simple function calls work as expected, both for f and for g *) f[1] f[2,2] f[3,3,3] g[1] g[2,2] g[3,3,3] (* But if one wants to specify a different value for the option, it only works if the full number of arguments are supplied, in this case 3 arguments. Otherwise, the option is interpreted as the second or third argument instead of an option: *) f[1,opt->"SpecialValue"] f[2,2,opt->"SpecialValue"] f[3,3,3,opt->"SpecialValue"] (*only this works*) g[1,opt->"SpecialValue"] g[2,2,opt->"SpecialValue"] g[3,3,3,opt->"SpecialValue"] (*only this works*)