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Re: Replace and ReplaceAll -- simple application

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106034] Re: Replace and ReplaceAll -- simple application
  • From: Richard Fateman <fateman at>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 03:13:27 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: NNTP Server
  • References: <> <hh72dp$kud$> <> <hhf67h$hh9$>

Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:
> What I find kind of impressive is that there are people who find it 
> amusing to keep posting essentially the same posts for about two decades 
> and this despite the fact that they are being completely ignored by the 
> developers (and there is no reason to think that anything will ever 
> change in this respect). Masochism?

No, I think it is not masochism.
It is an attempt to provide a useful to answer questions that come up 
from time to time from people who would otherwise dismiss a CAS as 
useless and stupid bedause they find unexplainable (to them) behavior.

Some posts explains that a CAS really could do the mathematically 
obviously correct thing, even if it appears they do not.

They may point out that a group of fans insists that the right thing for 
users to do is to discard their mathematically obvious understanding and 
study programming.

Now sometimes this cuts the other way -- that is, what is 
"mathematically obvious"  to some novice really can't be the default in 
a CAS because it contradicts what is "mathematically obvious" to most 
experts (or even some other novices). This is when mathematical 
ambiguities show up.

But when the weight of all mathematical obviousness is on one side, and 
the developers could fix a bug but simply refuse to do so, then that is 
simply stubbornness.

> I try to move with the times so what concerns me is that my Front End is 
> crashing too often.

Maybe you should tie your shoelaces?


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