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Re: Replace and ReplaceAll -- simple application

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106061] Re: Replace and ReplaceAll -- simple application
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 03:18:41 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <hh72dp$kud$> <> <hhf67h$hh9$> <>

On 31 Dec 2009, at 02:18, Richard Fateman wrote:

> Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:
>> What I find kind of impressive is that there are people who find it 
amusing to keep posting essentially the same posts for about two decades 
and this despite the fact that they are being completely ignored by the 
developers (and there is no reason to think that anything will ever 
change in this respect). Masochism?
> No, I think it is not masochism.
> It is an attempt to provide a useful to answer questions that come up 
from time to time from people who would otherwise dismiss a CAS as 
useless and stupid bedause they find unexplainable (to them) behavior.

Useful? Funny you should mention that. "Dismiss as useless and stupid"? 
Its only you  that keeps doing that. A remarkable example of the purest 

Do you really think you have ever posted anything that would be useful 
to anyone on this forum it its entire history?  Everything you have 
posted over the years can be quite fairly summarised as the following 
advice to new and naive users :  Mathematica is full of "bugs", and 
other evil and perverse things, and  worse, was  created by a guy whose 
guts I hate, so give it up and use instead my own favourite CAS, which 
years ago I helped to make. Oh, and don't mind that it is practically 
defunct and useless nowadays.
>> I try to move with the times so what concerns me is that my Front End 
is crashing too often.
> Maybe you should tie your shoelaces?

Well, this comment just shows typical shallowness of thinking and lack 
of knowledge and well as manners.
Has it ever occurred to you that here (in Japan) people generally do not 
use shoelaces?

Andrzej Kozlowski

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