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Re: Help! About drawing a high-precision 3D graph

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg96377] Re: Help! About drawing a high-precision 3D graph
  • From: "Sjoerd C. de Vries" <sjoerd.c.devries at>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 06:40:09 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <gmu8la$ggt$>


I'm not aware of any ListPoint3D method. To plot a 3D data set you
could use ListPlot3D, or you could just draw them using Graphics3D[ ]
and Point[ ].

I wonder whether you really need 15 digit accuracy. Given that the
world's circumference is about 40,000 km, corresponding to 360 deg, 1
m corresponds to 9.*10^-6 deg.

As far as I can see most graphical routines are indeed accuracy
  1 + Sin[x ]/10000000000000, {x, 0, 2 \[Pi], \[Pi]/25}]] works, but
  1 + Sin[x ]/100000000000000, {x, 0, 2 \[Pi], \[Pi]/25}]] doesn't.

I suggest you subtract a fixed offset from all data points (e.g.,
58.12343432 in your example). Use precision to control the number of
digits (58.1234343253452`20 - 58.12343432`20)

Cheers -- Sjoerd

On Feb 11, 12:18 pm, Chris <chris_wen... at> wrote:
> I met a problem with drawing a 3D graph. My data to be used in Mathematic=
a Software is 15 digits, which means an example of those data is 58.1234343=
253452. These data represent the latitude an d longitude of world. So, I ne=
ed to precisely paint those coordinate in a 3D space as a tiny point, perha=
ps the method ListPoint3D to be used.However, it seems that ListPoint3D doe=
s not support morn than 6 significant digits. So, can anyone help me ?

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