Dynamic Module
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg96484] Dynamic Module
- From: John <jwa0 at lehigh.edu>
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 03:12:23 -0500 (EST)
Mathematica 6 The dynamic module, listed below, worked fine for a while, but my recent attempts to use it caused mathematica to crash. Microsoft asks if I want to report the problem. DynamicModule[{n = 1, p = 1}, Deploy[Style[ Panel[Grid[ Transpose[{{Style["enter n", 20], Style["enter p", 20], Style["simulated X", 20]}, {InputField[Dynamic[n], Number], InputField[Dynamic[p], Number], InputField[ Dynamic[ Quiet[Check[ Total[RandomInteger[BinomialDistribution[n, p], 1]], Null]]], Enabled -> False]}}], Alignment -> Right], ImageMargins -> 10], DefaultOptions -> {InputField -> {ContinuousAction -> True, BaseStyle -> 20, FieldSize -> {{5, 30}, {1, Infinity}}}}]]] The module is useful to me because it is interactive, and I hope that it can be made to work. Can a dynamic module plot a probability distribution, if the parameters of the distribution are entered in the panel input fields? John