Re: no message from Minimize[] on a weird function(x^x) !?!
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg96742] Re: no message from Minimize[] on a weird function(x^x) !?!
- From: Simon <simonjtyler at>
- Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 05:03:40 -0500 (EST)
- References: <gnr1d2$ep0$>
Hi Roger If you tell Mathematica that x needs to be positive, all is well. In[1]:= Minimize[x^x, x] Out[1]= Minimize[x^x, x] In[2]:= Minimize[{x^x, x > 0}, x] Out[2]= {E^(-1/E), {x -> 1/E}} In[3]:= FindMinimum[x^x, x] Out[3]= {0.692201, {x -> 0.367879}} In[4]:= N[%2] Out[4]= {0.692201, {x -> 0.367879}} In the help ref/Minimize it says "Possible Issues: Minimize requires that all functions present in the input be real-valued:" Simon