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Mathematica and LyX - Graphics and equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95711] Mathematica and LyX - Graphics and equations
  • From: TL <latev at>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 06:53:43 -0500 (EST)

I unintentionally started a fierce discussion recently about the "best" 
editor for math stuff. Many people responded with a number of 
suggestions and among them one particular solution seemed to prevail - 
LaTeX. I decided to give it a try and installed the MiKTeX Win version 
along with the LyX fronted for it, since I have absolutely no experience 
with LaTeX.
It's almost a week now that I'm struggling to produce anything usable 
with LyX and I have to admit I have mixed feelings about it. It's really 
easy to produce good quality documents with the default 
settings/templates. When something however doesn't look right I feel 
like my hands are tied together - usually there's no user control over 
it. I'm still not giving it up though and I'd like to ask a couple of 
questions about the Mathematica/LyX interaction.

1) What is the best way to export graphics from Mathematica? I currently 
use eps format, but there seems to be a weird bug with it - I'm not sure 
whether it's a Mathematica or LyX or LaTeX issue - for example I have 2 
vectors in my graphic and the head of the last one drawn is not 
displayed in the final PDF version of my document. I found a workaround 
for it by drawing objects twice in the graphic that way if some parts of 
the object is missing it wouldn't matter since the one underneath will 
be fine.

2) How do I export the equations from Mathematica? Even though there is 
an Export to LaTeX option in Mathematica I couldn't succeed in just 
pasting the content in LyX - so much junk comes along with the equation 
that cleaning it up usually takes more time than just typing it fresh in LyX

3) And finally could someone please provide detailed instructions of how 
to setup LyX to interact directly with the Mathematica kernel so I can 
have some semi live  math environment. May be that way the equations 
will come in the right form

Thanks once again to all of you who took their time to reply

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