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Mathematica web site documentation new feature??

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95758] Mathematica web site documentation new feature??
  • From: Bob F <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 05:03:29 -0500 (EST)

I was looking at the Wolfram web site for new features of Mathematica
version 7, and noticed something that I have not seen before. For
example on the page talking about the new "SpokenString[]" function
and click on the "Speak any math formula" link, it brings up a browser
window with an example of the "SpokenString" function and shows the
Mathematica code as an image (like all other Mathematica code that I
can think of in a web page), but when you click on the command image,
up pops a dialog box with the actual Mathematica code needed to
execute the command.

Is this something brand new? Would it be possible to have the same
thing for a plot image to bring up the code that generated the plot,
or any Mathematica expression that is an image on a web page bring up
the ACTUAL Mathematica code that it represents?

This is so simple and so intuitive, and so wonderful. How long has
something like this been around? Is this really brand new for the
version 7 info on the Wolfram web site? Are there other web sites that
do something similar??



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