HDF data Import
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg95858] HDF data Import
- From: "M.Roellig" <markus.roellig at googlemail.com>
- Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 06:44:16 -0500 (EST)
Hi group, I use the HDF Import functionality of Mathematica and would like to ask for your experiences. My biggest concern is that the HDF4 format is only partly functional. So far it is only possible to access SD (scientific Data, i.e. arrays of data) Datasets. But HDF4 consists also of AN Data (annotations), VData (customized tables) and VGroups. Pure SD data is somewhat useless if I can not access the explanatory metadata in the file. I need to access HDF files containing SD and VD fields. So far I can only get the SD fields. Has anybody come up with an updated HDF interface or a workaround via direct BinaryRead ? HDF5 is somewhat similar because compound expressions are nor supported. Any ideas or experiences? Thanks, Markus