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Re: Re: Mathematica and LyX - Graphics and equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95845] Re: [mg95749] Re: Mathematica and LyX - Graphics and equations
  • From: TL <latev at>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 06:34:06 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <glj8bm$dln$> <> <> <>

Sorry I didn;t write an example

Here's the issue - I have variables such as P_AB - that is P and AB as 
an index. Mathematica writes \text{} whenever it sees the AB which is 
unwanted - I want the whole thing to appear in italic form. May be it's 
a standard convention I'm not really sure, but it just looks ugly and I 
looked in some math books and saw it all written in italic font there. 
So is there a way to turn this off?

Jens Noeckel wrote:
> Hi,
> if I understand you correctly, the \text{   } is the (correct) 
> response by Mathematica to your entering single-letter variabes 
> without spaces between them. I.e., try
> TeXForm[ a b ]
> versus
> TeXForm[ ab ]
> So you just have to make sure you write multiplications of variables 
> with spaces in between. If you're referring to something more 
> complicated, an example would help.
> Jens
> On Jan 26, 2009, at 8:26 AM, TL wrote:
>> That's what I was looking for, thanks a lot JUN!
>> I have a WinXP environment here and I'm not sure your instructions 
>> will work but at least that's an excellent starting point.
>> As for pasting content from Mathematica I noticed one really annoying 
>> fact, that's actually mentioned in the Mathematica help as well - 
>> when there are two or more symbol variables in your equations 
>> Mathematica treats them as text and displays them as such, the result 
>> being that part of the equation appears in italic font part in 
>> regular. I think that was the root of my issues in some of my 
>> previous posts and now it's haunting me in other environments too, 
>> cause the LaTeX form of the equations that is exported by Mathematica 
>> contains a whole bunch of text{} tags that I have to manually get rid of
>> Does someone know how to change that behaviour?
>> JUN wrote:
>>>>> 3) And finally could someone please provide detailed instructions of
>>>>> how to setup LyX to interact directly with the Mathematica kernel so
>>>>> I can have some semi live  math environment. May be that way the
>>>>> equations will come in the right form
>>>> Given what LyX is, I doubt this is easily doable if at all.
>>> The last remark needs fact-checking. It actually works - within
>>> limits. It's a fun feature, but I don't really use it much.
>>> What you have to do to make it work depends on your platform. On Mac
>>> OS X, I first created a little script
>>> /usr/local/bin/math
>>> containing the following two lines:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> /Applications/ "$@"
>>> The purpose of this is simply to make the command "math" appear in the
>>> path visible to LyX, and point to the Mathematica Kernel (so obviously
>>> this is Mac specific, and I don't know the  PC equivalent). Then
>>> whenever you have a calculation that you want to do in LyX, do the
>>> following:
>>> * Open a math environment.
>>> * Type the Mathematica expression you want to evaluate (e.g.: Sin[.2])
>>> * Highlight the expression
>>> * While you are still in that math box, go to Edit > Math > Use
>>> Computer Algebra System > Mathematica
>>> * Magically, an equals sign and the result of the evaluation will
>>> appear in the LyX math box.
>>> In general, in particular when graphics is involved, I would just work
>>> with the Mathematica Notebook and the LyX editor side by side, and
>>> copy/paste between the two. In LyX 1.6, you can paste graphics into
>>> LyX from the clipboard. Equations in Mathematica's TeXForm can be
>>> pasted directly into LyX math environments.
>>> In the other direction, you can copy LaTeX from LyX into Mathematica
>>> as follows:
>>> * enter the desired math expression in LyX (e.g., \sin\alpha)
>>> * select all the _contents_ of the math box, but not the math box
>>> object itself (i.e., stop highlighting when you reach the end of the
>>> math inset).
>>> * Copy
>>> * Paste literally into a Mathematica Cell, perhaps wrapped by
>>> something like ToExpression["\sin\alpha", TeXForm] (where the pasted
>>> text goes between the quotation marks)
>>> * The result can then be used in Mathematica Labels etc.
>>> Although LyX has a non-LaTeX internal file format, everything it does
>>> goes through LaTeX, and in particular all its equations can be
>>> understood by other LaTeX-aware programs. One may still ask why anyone
>>> would you use LyX instead of Mathematica to write equations. I think
>>> this has already been addressed, and it may really be a matter of
>>> taste - but it's worth pointing out that LyX has unlimited Undo and
>>> version control (there's more, but I better stop here).
>>> As for the customization of the LyX output, it's true that this isn't
>>> trivial if you don't know much LaTeX. The LyX-users mailing list would
>>> be a place to start, they are very helpful...
>>> Jens

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