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LogLinearPlot strange "features"

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101315] LogLinearPlot strange "features"
  • From: Fred Bartoli <"">
  • Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 06:33:32 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: myname_with_a_dot_inbetween at


Is it me or Epilog doesn't work as expect with Log plots:

(*a list of points*)
list = {{0.528, 3.3}, {0.75, 6}, {1.0607, 10}, {1.5, 15.3}, {2.121, 
21.9}, {3, 29.1}, {4.243, 36.5}, {6.008, 44.1}};

(* This works OK but *)
Plot[{Interpolation[list][x]}, {x, 0.53, 6}, GridLines -> Automatic, 
Epilog -> {PointSize[Medium], Point[list]}]

(*Those don't *)
LogLinearPlot[{Interpolation[list][x]}, {x, 0.53, 6}, GridLines -> 
Automatic, Epilog -> {PointSize[Medium], Point[list]}]

LogPlot[{Interpolation[list][x]}, {x, 0.53, 6}, GridLines -> Automatic, 
Epilog -> {PointSize[Medium], Point[list]}]

LogLogPlot[{Interpolation[list][x]}, {x, 0.53, 6}, GridLines -> 
Automatic, Epilog -> {PointSize[Medium], Point[list]}]

(* This does the job *)
LogLin = {Log[#[[1]]], #[[2]]} &
LogLinearPlot[{Interpolation[list][x]}, {x, 0.53, 6}, GridLines -> 
Automatic, Epilog -> {PointSize[Medium], Point[LogLin/@list]}]

It'd be nice to have all the graphics primitives in the same coordinate, 
wouldn't it?

I also keep getting that message:
InterpolatingFunction::dmval: Input value {-0.634829} lies outside the 
range of data in the interpolating function. Extrapolation will be used.

which I guess is plain wrong since
Exp[-0.6348286996935327`] = 0.5300262742047284`

Mathematica 7.01 / XP 32b

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