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Jens-Peer Kuska passed away

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101427] Jens-Peer Kuska passed away
  • From: mtrott at
  • Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 05:05:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

Dear Mathgroup,

I am sorry to inform you that Jens-Peer Kuska passed away last week.
He was 45 years old.

I have known Jens-Peer since the early 80s when we both studied physics
at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Our departments were on opposite
sides of the first floor hallway.

After Germany's reunification and the availability of more computers
and software, Jens-Peer's favorite program soon become Mathematica.
And he evolved to be a true expert of it.

His broad and detailed mathematics and physics knowledge allowed
Jens to cover new areas in computer graphics with his OpenGL viewer
and in his work on medical image processing.

Most of the Mathgroup readers know Jens-Peer from his short, to the point,
helpful, stimulating contributions to Mathgroup, where he contributed so
many times for more than 10 years.

And the German-speaking Mathematica user knew him additionally from his
many contribution to the German Mathematica user group:

Jens-Peer was a brilliant Mathematica (and in general) programmer who
was able to code complicated algorithms efficiently and elegantly. His
reservoir of ideas what to implement, calculate, investigate, or
visualize was virtually unlimited.

For the ones that were fortunate to know him in person and discuss
Mathematica, mathematics, physics, or image-processing issues with him,
know the value of his deep, critical, and constructive opinions and
He loved to discuss so many different topics, ranging from Fullform[]s of
Mathematica graphics expressions to shape-characteristics of averaged
Wigner  functions of quantum systems and the use of partial differential
equations to image processing tasks.
We all will miss such discussions with him in the future.

Jens-Peer will be missed by the Mathematica community, his university
his former students, his friends, and of course, his family.

Michael Trott
Wolfram Research

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