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Problems with Complie and generating a nested list

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101755] Problems with Complie and generating a nested list
  • From: Robert Smith <8888rob at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 08:18:34 -0400 (EDT)


I have problem with compiling a function and then generating a nested list.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this problem.
I have a 2x2 matrix with complex components. I need to find a an expresion
that involes finding derivative of components of this matrix (with respect
to real variable, say, t) and then generating a nested list.
It is something like this:
complexmatrix= ....  is the matrix I am talking about,
matrixfunction:= Compile[{{m, _Complex, 2}},
Im}], t]]]
matrixdata:=Table[{t, matrixfunction[complexmatrix]}, {t, tmin, tmax}]
and this givers errors ...... like Part specification m[[2,2]] longer than
depth of object......

I have even tried
matrixfunction:= Compile[{{m, _Complex, 2}},
Im}], t]]]]
but even that does not work.
And I have to use:
Im}], t]
because otherwise mathematica will not calculate correctly. I checked this
for simple matrices (where I did not have to use Compile) and I get the
right result, but for larger matrices I need to use Compile function and
there things become complicated. Perhaps the problem is {t, tmin, tmax} in
the table which confuses the derivative.

I shall be really thankful if someone could help me with this problem.


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