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Re: How to make variables local to a particular notebook?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101876] Re: How to make variables local to a particular notebook?
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 06:02:43 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h3s23d$65u$>

In the specified Notebook execute

SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[],  CellContext -> "GlobalA`"]

Where i am using GlobalA` a the Notebook's context in this example

Hope this helps.


On Jul 18, 4:45 am, Bill Rowe <readn... at> wrote:
> On 7/17/09 at 5:02 AM, dnqu... at (dnquark) wrote:
> >In the Evaluation menu I see the "Notebook's Kernel" and "Notebook's
> >default context" items.  So I am wondering what is the preferred
> >method for making sure variables in a particular notebook stay
> >private to that notebook -- to assign the notebook to a different
> >kernel or to give it a different context?..
> Assigning a different kernel to a notebook does not make
> variables in that notebook private to that notebook. Any other
> notebook linked to the same kernel will also see those
> variables. Additionally, there is a limit to how many kernels
> you can run as determined by your Mathematica license.
> The only way to truly make variables private to a given notebook
> I know of is to use a different context for the notebook.
> >Also, whatever method I choose -- what command could I evaluate at
> >the first cell in the notebook to make sure that the context or the
> >kernel is changed before the rest of the notebook gets evaluated?..
> When you specify a different kernel to be used with a notebook,
> that information is saved when the notebook is saved. The next
> time the same notebook is used the kernel will be the same as
> what you specified before. I assume the same is true for
> contexts. However, I've not needed to do this and have not tried
> it to see if that is the case.

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