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Re: Slow start to AstronomicalData[]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg102180] Re: Slow start to AstronomicalData[]
  • From: Chonny <jconant at>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 05:58:27 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h4p3n3$j82$> <h4rp55$krk$>

On Jul 30, 5:29 am, BenT <brt... at> wrote:

> After the database collection is loaded and indexed (i.e. downloaded),
> further access to the data such be automatic. I've confirmed that on
> my on PC which is similarly configured as yours

True.  But for me, the initial computation (say, after every kernal
restart) takes nearly a minute!
 - does it take you that long the first time?
 - does it d/l the data through the Internet (my connection is only a
max of 3 Mbit/s, 300 kB/s)?

Does anyone have ideas on how I can load up JUST the Sun data, and not
every quasar??


> However when I tried to apply the {latitude, longitude} pararmeters
> which can be obtained from the globle variable $GetLocation (in Fort
> Walton Beach, FL), I got the following output with errors:
> In[117]:= AstronomicalData["Sun", {"Altitude", {2009, 7, 30}, {23,
>    00}, {$GeoLocation}}, TimeZone -> $TimeZone]
> During evaluation of In[117]:= AstronomicalData::notprop: {"Altitude",
> {2009, 7, 30}, {23, 0}, {{30.830000000000002, -85.74}}} is not a known
> property for AstronomicalData. Use AstronomicalData["Properties"] for
> a list of properties. >>

You just left in an extra pair of braces around $GeoLocation by
mistake:   Works fine like this:

    AstronomicalData["Sun", {"Altitude", DateList[], $GeoLocation},
TimeZone -> $TimeZone]

where I've stuck in DateList to get the current data/time...

BTW, for me: $Version is

 "7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009)"

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