Re: Generic nested menus implementation
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100659] Re: [mg100649] Generic nested menus implementation
- From: Leonid Shifrin <lshifr at>
- Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:10:26 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <>
Hi all, a quick follow - up: There is a bug in the function <localMaxPositions> that returns the positions of the locally maximal numbers in a list. Here is a better (and hopefully correct) version: Clear[localMaxPositions]; localMaxPositions[lst_List] := Part[#, All, 2] &@ ReplaceList[ MapIndexed[List, lst], {___, {x_, _}, y : {t_, _} .., {z_, _}, ___} /; x < t && z < t :> y]; Sorry for this. Regards, Leonid On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Leonid Shifrin <lshifr at> wrote: > Hi all, > > since already two people asked for this feature, and I got interested > myself, I assume that this topic may be of general interest, and this is my > reason to start a separate thread. Here I present my first attempt at > generic multilevel menu implementation. The code is probably full of bugs, > and also perhaps many parts could be done easier but I just did not figure > it out, so I will appreciate any feedback. The examples of use follow. > > > > THE CODE > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > (* checking recursive pattern *) > > Clear[menuTreeValidQ]; > menuTreeValidQ[{_String, {___String}}] := True; > menuTreeValidQ[item_] := MatchQ[item, {_String, {___?menuTreeValidQ} ..}]; > > (* This can probably be done much better *) > > Clear[localMaxPositions]; > localMaxPositions[ls_List] := > Module[{n = 0, pos, part}, > pos = Position[part = Split[Partition[ls, 3, 1], Last[#1] == First[#2] > &], > x_ /; MatchQ[x, {{s_, t_, u_}} /; s <= t && u <= t] || > MatchQ[x, {{s_, t_, _}, ___, {_, u_, p_}} /; s <= t && u >= p]]; > List /@ Flatten[Fold[ > Function[{plist, num}, n++; > Join[plist[[1 ;; n - 1]], Range[plist[[n]], plist[[n]] + num - 1], > plist[[n + 1 ;;]] + num - 1]], pos, Length /@ Extract[part, pos]] + > > 1]]; > > > (* By leaves I here mean, for every branch, those with locally > largest distance from the stem. Level would not do *) > > Clear[leafPositions]; > leafPositions[tree_] := > Extract[#, localMaxPositions[Length /@ #]] &@ > Reap[MapIndexed[Sow[#2] &, tree , Infinity]][[2, 1]]; > > > Clear[mapOnLeaves]; > mapOnLeaves[f_, tree_] := MapAt[f, tree, leafPositions[tree]]; > > > Clear[replaceByEvaluated]; > replaceByEvaluated[expr_, patt_] := > With[{pos = Position[expr, patt]}, > With[{newpos = > Split[Sort[pos, Length[#1] > Length[#2] &], > Length[#1] == Length[#2] &]}, > Fold[ReplacePart[#1, Extract[#1, #2], #2, List /@ Range[Length[#2]]] &, > expr, newpos]]]; > > > (* converts initial string-based menu tree into more complex expression > suitable for menu construction *) > > Clear[menuItemsConvertAlt]; > menuItemsConvertAlt[menuitemTree_, menuMakers : {(_Symbol | _Function) ..}, > actionF_, representF_: (# &), representLeavesF_: (# &)] := > Module[{g, actionAdded, interm, maxdepth, actF}, > actionAdded = > mapOnLeaves[If[# === {}, Sequence @@ #, representLeavesF[#] :> actF[#]] > &, > menuitemTree]; > interm = > MapIndexed[ > Replace[#, {x_String, y : ({({_RuleDelayed} | _RuleDelayed) ..})} :> > representF[x, {Length[#2]/2}] :> g[Length[#2]/2][x, Flatten@y], > 1] &, {actionAdded}, Infinity]; > interm = > Fold[replaceByEvaluated, > interm, {_Replace, HoldPattern[# &[__]], HoldPattern[Length[{___}]], > HoldPattern[Times[_Integer, Power[_Integer, -1]]], _Flatten}][[1, 2]]; > maxdepth = Max[Cases[interm, g[x_] :> x, Infinity, Heads -> True]]; > With[{fns = menuMakers}, > replaceByEvaluated[interm /. g[n_Integer] :> menuMakers[[n]], > HoldPattern[fns[[_Integer]]]] /. actF :> actionF > ] /; maxdepth <= Length[menuMakers]] > > > (* main menu-building function *) > > Clear[createNestedMenu]; > createNestedMenu::invld = "The supplied menu tree structure is not valid"; > > createNestedMenu[menuItemTree_, ___] /; Not[menuTreeValidQ[menuItemTree]] > := > > "never happens" /; Message[createNestedMenu::invld]; > > createNestedMenu[menuItemTree_?menuTreeValidQ, menuCategories_, actionF_, > representF_: (# &), representLeavesF_: (# &)] := > > Module[ > {menuVars, menuNames, menuDepth = Depth[Last@menuItemTree]/2, > setHeld, setDelayedHeld, heldPart, subBack, subBackAll, makeSubmenu, > addSpaces, menuCategs = menuCategories, standardCategory = " Choose > "}, > > Options[makeSubmenu] = {Appearance -> "Button", > FieldSize -> {{1, 8}, {1, 4}}, Background -> Lighter[Yellow, 0.8], > BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontColor -> Brown, > FontWeight -> Plain}}; > > menuCategs = PadRight[menuCategs, menuDepth + 1, standardCategory]; > > (* Make variables to store menu names and values *) > Block[{var, name}, {menuVars, menuNames} = > Apply[ Hold, Evaluate[Table[Unique[#], {menuDepth}]]] & /@ {var, > name}]; > > (* Functions to set/extract held variables *) > setHeld[Hold[var_], rhs_] := var = rhs; > setDelayedHeld[Hold[var_], rhs_] := var := rhs; > heldPart[seq_Hold, n_] := First[Extract[seq, {{n}}, Hold]]; > > (* Functions to close the given menu/submenus*) > subBack[depth_Integer] := > (If[depth =!= menuDepth + 1, setHeld[heldPart[menuVars, depth], ""]]; > setHeld[heldPart[menuNames, depth - 1], menuCategs[[depth - 1]]]); > subBackAll[depth_Integer] := subBack /@ Range[menuDepth + 1, depth, -1]; > > (* Function to create a (sub)menu at a given level *) > makeSubmenu[depth_] := > Function[{nm, actions}, > subBackAll[depth + 1];(* remove lower menus if they are open *) > If[depth =!= 1, setHeld[heldPart[menuNames, depth - 1], nm]]; > setDelayedHeld[heldPart[menuVars, depth], > Dynamic@ > ActionMenu[menuNames[[depth]], > If[depth === 1, actions, > Prepend[actions, "Back" :> subBackAll[depth]]], AutoAction -> True, > > Sequence @@ Options[makeSubmenu]]]]; > > (* Function to help with a layout *) > addSpaces[x_List, spaceLength : (_Integer?Positive) : 10] := > With[{space = StringJoin @@ Table[" ", {spaceLength}]}, > MapIndexed[ReplacePart[Table[space, {Length[x]}], ##] &, x]]; > > (* Initialization code *) > subBackAll[2]; > menuItemsConvertAlt[ > {menuNames[[1]], {menuItemTree}}, makeSubmenu /@ Range[menuDepth], > actionF, representF, representLeavesF][[1, 2]]; > > (* Display the menus *) > Dynamic[ > Function[Null, > Grid[addSpaces[{##}, 5], Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Thick, > Background -> Lighter[Pink, 0.8]], HoldAll] @@ menuVars] > ]; (* End Module *) > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > EXAMPLES and explanation > > So, the input for a menu should be a tree structure like this: > > In[1] = menuItems = > > {"Continents", {{"Africa", {{"Algeria", {"Algiers", > "Oran"}}, {"Angola", {"Luanda", > "Huambo"}}}}, {"North America", {{"United States", {"New \ > York", "Washington"}}, {"Canada", {"Toronto", "Montreal"}}}}}}; > > The root of the tree ("Continents" in this case) is not used later (but > needed for consistency), so can be any string. > The second necessary ingredient is a list of categories (strings) of the > length equal to the depth of the menu to be constructed, or less (in which > case some subcategories will be shown with a standard header "Choose"). The > last mandatory ingredient is a function representing the action to be taken > upon clicking on the lowest-level menu item (leaf). > > This is how we create the menu: > > In[1] = createNestedMenu[menuItems, {"Continent", " Country ", " City > "}, Print] > > In this case, all categories are given explicilty, and when we click on an > "atomic" menu element (not representing further menu sub-levels), it is > printed. You can also omit some sub-categories, they will be substituted by > "Choose" > > In[2] = createNestedMenu[menuItems, {"Continent"}, Print] > > There are additional optional parameters, which allow us to represent > different submenu items in different way - functions > representF and representLeavesF. The first one governs the appearance of > the non-atomic submenu elements and takes the level of a submenu as a > second > argument. The second governs the appearance of atomic menu elements > (leaves). For example: > > In[3] = > createNestedMenu[menuItems, {"Continent", " Country ", > " City "}, Print, (Style[#, FontColor -> > Switch[#2, {1}, Brown, {2}, Blue, {3}, Green, _True, > Orange], #]) &, Style[#, Red] &] > > I went through some pains to ensure that the menu will work also on less > regular menu trees, where leaves may have different distance from the stem, > like here: > > In[4] = > menuTreeValidQ@ > (compMenuItems = {"Company", > {{"Services", > {"Training", "Development"}}, > {"Products", > {{"OS tools", {}}, > {"Application software", {}} > }}, > {"News", > {{"Press releases", {}}, > {"Media coverage", {}} > }}, > {"Company", > {{"Vacancies", {{"Developer", {"Requirements"}}, {"Tester", > {}}}}, > {"Structure", {}}} > } > }}) > > Out[4] = True > > > > We create the menu as before: > > In[5] = createNestedMenu[compMenuItems, {"Main"}, Print] > > where I omitted sub-categories. > > Notice that the syntax I chose is such that, whenever the submenu contains > only atomic elements, they can either all be represented by just strings, > or > wrapped in lists as {element,{}}, but not mixed. But if menu contains a mix > of atomic and non-atomic elements, atomic elements must be wrapped in lists > as above. For example, the more "politically correct" > way to represent the first example structrure is this: > > {"Continents", {{"Africa", {{"Algeria", {{"Algiers", {}}, {"Oran", \ > {}}}}, {"Angola", {{"Luanda", {}}, {"Huambo", {}}}}}}, {"North \ > America", {{"United States", {{"New York", {}}, {"Washington", {}}}}, \ > {"Canada", {{"Toronto", {}}, {"Montreal", {}}}}}}}} > > The menuTreeValidQ predicate can be used to test if the structure is valid > or not. > > Hope that I don't waste everyone's time and bandwidth. > All feedback is greatly appreciated. > > Regards, > Leonid > > >
- References:
- Generic nested menus implementation
- From: Leonid Shifrin <>
- Generic nested menus implementation