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Re: What should be a simple task....

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100707] Re: [mg100654] What should be a simple task....
  • From: peter <plindsay.0 at>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:40:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

my views about this issue are aligned with those of AES who has just
posted. I would perhaps add that my instincts would be to write the
graphic to disk as png or pdf [ depending on the OS you use ] then use
that graphic file in LaTeX or if you really have to , in powerpoint.

2009/6/10 Nelson-Patel, Kristin <knp at>:
> Hi :)
> I am an analyst (applied physics and math) who has to present all
> of my work in Power Point briefings, sometimes on paper, sometimes
> electronically. I vastly prefer working in Mathematica to another system;
> however, I'm currently ham strung by my inability to transfer simple
> plots from Mathematica 7 to Power Point 2007 in a way that looks decent.
> In previous versions of both, I was able to Copy As: Metafile by right
> clicking on the plot in Mathematica and Paste Special: Metafile in
> Power Point, and all would be well (Ok, I had to tweak line thickness
> settings and fonts in my plots to make them survive the transfer, but
> that was fine).   Now, I have select the whole cell rather than just
> the plot to get the Copy As: metafile option, and I have to go all the
> way to the menu bar to do it (no longer an option on the right click).
> Fine, I can deal with that, but I can't deal with the fact that my simple
> plots look completely ratty now upon pasting into Power Point.
> There's all this stair stepping in curves which should be smooth.
> I've played with the PlotPoints option-no effect. I've exported into
> different form ats with varying ImageResolution and imported; Either the
> fonts get screwed up or it looks even worse or there's ugly aliasing or
> no effect on the stair stepping.  I've exported to PDF and snapshot-cop=
> from there; The curves look good, but now the whole image is just a littl=
> bit blurry/soft, a little too much to pass muster with my supervisors
> and sponsors.
> I'm really getting frustrated now, have spent way too much time on what
> *was* a solved problem before my "upgrades", and beginning to suspect
> that the problem is some import or paste/display setting in Power Point
> that I can't reach.  I really don't want to have two different briefing=
> for electronic vs. paper presentation, but I'm a little concerned that's
> where this is heading, or I'm going to have to use the other system to
> make my plots. Which would bea shame.
> Has anyone figured this one out yet?  Help, please-I'm crying uncle.
> This is one of those stupid simple problems that also happens to be
> quite fundamental to the ability to make good use of Mathematica.
> -Kristin

Peter Lindsay

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