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laptop recommendation to run mathematica fast?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101020] laptop recommendation to run mathematica fast?
  • From: underante <underante at>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 07:04:58 -0400 (EDT)


perhaps someone can recommend me a laptop to run Mathematica fast?

i bought a asus eee pc 901 recently, which tho very cute pink and
quiet, (when the fan is off anyway!) it does return a rather
disappointing internal benchmark of around 0.32 for both Mathematica v7 and
v5.2 with windows XP.

what with Moore's law and all that i had vaguely reckoned that in 2009
a new machine should be running a lot faster than that since i have a
circa 2001, 8 years old 1 GHz pentium dell inspiron laptop with
128Mbyte of RAM that benchmarks Mathematica 5.2 at 0.27 under windows ME, so
that the small increase in speed that i do see could be wholly put
down to the intel atom N270 in the asus running that little bit faster
at 1.6 GHz.

anyway, i am looking to buy a somewhat bigger screened laptop in the
next few weeks, so if you have, or know, of something that will run
the internal Mathematica v7.0 benchmark at, well, lets say, 3.0 or more?, i.e.
about ten times faster than what i have now, i would be very
interested to know what make and model it is, as i have had little
luck so far trawling the web for such info, and tho the wolfram
benchmark report mentions various intel xeons running at speeds of
3.75 or more i cant say ive ever seen a laptop with one of these
chipsets inside it, and no mention whatever is made of these
ubiquitous intel core 2 duo things, quadcore or not, or what i could
expect from them.



(oh, i would just add that since i will be using the machine for other
things besides mathematica it would be best for me to continue with
windows a while longer, but if you get a nice turn of speed under
linux or mac OS please feel free to say so!)

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