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Re: Possible bug in Mathematica 7 using ColorFunction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101137] Re: Possible bug in Mathematica 7 using ColorFunction
  • From: "Sjoerd C. de Vries" <sjoerd.c.devries at>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:11:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h1svc1$mi9$>

Hi Jeff,

I don't have the problem with the overlapping m. The impact of the
presence of the color function seems to be that the font is replaced
by a bitmapped version or so. Without the color function the font is
smoothed and anti-aliased, with the color function it's not.

Looks like a clear bug to me. You might consider reporting this to
support at

I don't seem to need the [#]& behind the colorfunction. It's a
redundant notation anyways.

I used a slightly modified version of your code:

Plot[x, {x, 1, 1000}, ColorFunction -> (ColorData["VisibleSpectrum"]),
  ColorFunctionScaling -> False, Filling -> Axis, Frame -> True,
 FrameLabel -> "Wavelength (\[Mu]m)"]

The y=x in the Plot argument was probably erroneous.

Cheers -- Sjoerd

On Jun 24, 12:32 pm, Jeff Lawlis <jlaw... at>
> Problem:  use of ColorFunction affects spacing of Greek characters in Frame label.  
> Here is a simple example of the problem:
> SetOptions[Plot, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> "Wavelength (\[Mu]m)"]
> Plot[y = x, {x, 1, 1000},
>  ColorFunction -> (ColorData["VisibleSpectrum"][#] &),
>  ColorFunctionScaling -> False, Filling -> Axis]
> Notice the space between the Greek character \[Mu] and the m, causing them to overlap the right parantheses.  The space disappears if you remove the ColorFunction gradient from the plot parameters.  Also, if you change \[Mu] to a standard character like m, the formatting looks perfectly acceptable.  To be honest, I don't really understand the reason for the [#] & following the ColorData tag, but the gradient doesn't seem to work properly without it.  Is my syntax correct?

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