Hash function
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg97505] Hash function
- From: Ignacio Plazeta <Ignacio.Plazeta at speednet.es>
- Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 05:41:16 -0500 (EST)
Dear Friends I bet I'm wrong in a childish way but I'm incapable to overcome the bug. Why does the following code return discrepant values when processing two identical file ( CRTL + C , CRTL + V ) placed in two different folders ? Of course, I'm looking on only the Hash part of the out, being obviously the folder related part. Warmest regards. Ignacio fileIdentifier[myFile_]:=Module[{ tmp , folderPos }, folderPos = StringPosition[myFile,"\\"]//Flatten//Max; tmp={ FileByteCount[myFile], Hash[myFile,"SHA512"], StringJoin[ (If[#>10,ToString[#],"0"<>ToString[#]])&/@FileDate[myFile] ], StringTake[myFile,folderPos-1], StringDrop[myFile,folderPos] }; Return[tmp]; ]