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NDSolve: Functions in PDEs have different number of variables

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99612] NDSolve: Functions in PDEs have different number of variables
  • From: Blue Fly <blueflyspin at>
  • Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 03:21:20 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Mathgroup:

I recently asked a question about solving a set of PDEs. My question could
be abstracted as the follows:

Two functions, F[x, t] and G[t], satisfy a set of PDEs of two equations:

Equation one involves D[F[x, t], x], D[F[x, t], t], and G[t];
while Equation two involves F[0, t] and D[G[t], t].

When solving the set of PDEs, NDSolve complains that F[x, t] and G[t] have
different number of variables, even though the problem is physically

I would appreciate if someone could provide a hint on this questions.



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