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Re: Aligning framed graphics in rows

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104647] Re: [mg104634] Aligning framed graphics in rows
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 05:13:27 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <15079989.1257411646719.JavaMail.root@n11>

The two plots look different because of the different sizes of the material
outside of the frame. In this case it is the different widths of the
vertical tick labels.

The way to fix this is to explicitly specify the space allotted for the
outside-the-frame items using the ImagePadding option. Then it will be the
same for both plots. You must specify the ImagePadding to be large enough to
accommodate all the material in all of the plots.

GraphicsRow[{LogLogPlot[1 + Sin[x], {x, 1, 100}, Axes -> False,
   Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"horizontal", "vertical"},
   AspectRatio -> 4/5,
   ImagePadding -> {{50, 5}, {40, 5}}],
  Plot[Sinc[x], {x, -5, 5}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True,
   FrameLabel -> {"horizontal", "vertical"}, AspectRatio -> 4/5,
   ImagePadding -> {{50, 5}, {40, 5}}]},
 ImageSize -> 600]

David Park
djmpark at 

From: Szabolcs Horv=E1t [mailto:szhorvat at]


Is there a reliable way to align framed graphics in a row, in such a way 
that both the top and bottom of the frame are at the same level?

Here is an example:

   LogLogPlot[1 + Sin[x], {x, 1, 100}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True,
    FrameLabel -> {"horizontal", "vertical"}, AspectRatio -> 4/5],
   Plot[Sinc[x], {x, -5, 5}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True,
    FrameLabel -> {"horizontal", "vertical"}, AspectRatio -> 4/5]

Note how the second graphic is taller than the first one.  I would like
the frames to be properly aligned, for aesthetic reasons.  All my
graphics have (different) frame labels, and their aspect ratio is fixed.

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