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Re: Preserve notebook's $ContextPath between sessions / store custom

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105010] Re: Preserve notebook's $ContextPath between sessions / store custom
  • From: dnquark <dnquark at>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 05:17:13 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hdon5g$9es$>

I am continuing my quest of setting up and saving a persistent custom

After some experimentation, I discovered that by SetOption
[EvaluationNotebook[],MyOption->optVal] one can set one (and only
one!) persistent custom option for a notebook.

Currently, I have a wrapper function that
1. does SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], CellContext->Notebook]
2. Adds some contexts to $ContextPath
3. Saves it in a notebook option.

The problem is, I cannot do (1) and (2) in the same function call: the
following doesn't work
test[] := (SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[],CellContext-
>Notebook];oldct=$ContextPath; AppendTo[System`

In fact, the only way I got this to work was by manipulating Notebook
cells from the function via NotebookWrite[], SelectionMove[], etc to
set up and evaluate cells corresponding to steps (1) and (2).  The
result is an ugly kludge that mostly works (although I still cannot
understand what exactly happens with cell evaluation...  When I try to
programmatically delete the temporary cells in the front end notebook,
everything starts breaking.)

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this is so difficult to do in a
function -- or if it's not, what is the proper way of doing this?..
And is there any documentation on setting notebook options?..  Why am
I only able to set one?..
On 15 Nov, 06:03, dnquark <dnqu... at> wrote:
> I have fallen into the habit of making the default context of the
> notebooks private by issuing the command
> SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], CellContext->Notebook]
> at the start of every notebook session.  However, I typically add
> several other contexts to $ContextPath; I even wrote a utility
> function to easily do all this automatically.
> It turns out, though, that upon closing and reopening the notebook
> Mathematica puts only "Notebook$$xx`" and "System`" contexts in
> $ContextPath.  My question is -- is there a way to make _my custom_
> $ContextPath persistent between sessions in the same way as {"Notebook$
> $xx`", "System`"} context list is persistent?..  Or at least, can I
> store custom metadata with the notebook -- i can always write a
> wrapper function to retrieve it.
> Thanks,
> --Leo

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