Solve and the order of variables to solve for (v7.0)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg105041] Solve and the order of variables to solve for (v7.0)
- From: kristoph < at>
- Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:21:27 -0500 (EST)
Hi, consider the following problem: costsHome[yh_, yht_] := w (yh^2 + 10/100 yh yht + 110/100 yht^2); costsFor[yf_, yft_] := wt (110/100 yf^2 + 10/100 yf yft + yft^2); profitHome[\[Epsilon]_, pht_, ph_] := \[Epsilon] pht yht + ph yh - costsHome[yh, yht]; profitFor[\[Epsilon]_, pf_, pft_] := 1/\[Epsilon] pf yf + pft yft - costsFor[yf, yft]; res = Solve[{D[profitHome[\[Epsilon], pht, ph], yh] == 0, D[profitHome[\[Epsilon], pht, ph], yht] == 0, D[profitFor[\[Epsilon], pf, pft], yf] == 0, D[profitFor[\[Epsilon], pf, pft], yft] == 0}, {yh, yht, yf, yft}] The list of results I get is sorted not in the way I would like to have it, i.e. yh, yht, yf and yft. How do I always the the list to be the way I want it? The order even changes if I let costsHome[yh_, yht_] := w (yh^2 + yht^2); costsFor[yf_, yft_] := wt (yf^2 + yft^2); Does anybody know why? Thanks in advance.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Solve and the order of variables to solve for (v7.0)
- From: Andrzej Kozlowski <>
- Re: Solve and the order of variables to solve for (v7.0)