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Why init.m is not being loaded from Autload folder? [Mathematica 7]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103905] Why init.m is not being loaded from Autload folder? [Mathematica 7]
  • From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 06:36:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>


Mathematica 7, windows XP sp2.

When I put my init.m in the following Autoload folders and restart the 
kernel, these files are no being loaded (I know, since I append something to 
the Path, and I see that it does NOT get appended by looking at $Path after 
Mathematica is up).

However, according to help on init.m it says under  ref/file/init.m the 

"Mathematica will also load init.m files from Autoload directories."

I put the init.m in each of the following folder, one at a time, restart the 
kernel, and the $Path was not changed as excpected. I also restarted 
Mathematica, and still the init.m was not loaded from any of these folders:


The above becomes
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\Mathematica\Autload


The above becomes
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application 


The above becomes
C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\7.0\SystemFiles\Autoload

But when I put the same init.m in say $UserBaseDirectory/kernel/init.m as 
per help also, it is now loaded OK and $Path now shows the additional path I 
have appended to it.

So, why isn't init.m being loaded from Autoload folder?


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