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Re: Text cell formating blues. LineBreakWithin, PageWidth, WordWrapping

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104127] Re: Text cell formating blues. LineBreakWithin, PageWidth, WordWrapping
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 04:52:27 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <18986394.1255953084849.JavaMail.root@n11>


As you say, one can adjust the printed document "by hand". Put the Screen
Environment to Printing, use the Options Inspector to Show Page Breaks for
the notebook, insert Page Breaks by hand, use ImageSize in plots to adjust
their size, use PageBreakWithin for large Text cells, use Magnify or
Magnification to adjust the size of cells, or change font sizes in cells,
etc. But this is a lot of work and I wouldn't want to do it for a long
document that was undergoing modification.

The codex book replaced the ancient scroll because it was much easier to
find your way through it. But the codex form introduces a horrible construct
called the page. A page has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject matter
or content of the document. It is a mad slasher slicing up your work on
nothing other than considerations of physical size. A Mathematica notebook
with sectional grouping (with group openers) and minimal scrolling is a far
better organization. It smoothly adapts to the subject matter.

It would be so nice if we could send Mathematica notebooks to anyone and
know they could read them.

David Park
djmpark at  

From: Alexei Boulbitch [mailto:Alexei.Boulbitch at] 

for these purposes you can also go for the StyleSheet entitled Journal
Article, which is 
very well suited for the kind of documents you seem to have in mind. 
It is in the Menu/Format/Stylesheet/Article/Journal Article. 

One problem with all these pdf files produced out of notebooks, is that if 
graphics is in, when transforming it into pdf you may get empty parts of
some pages,
if there was an image on the corresponding place whose geometrical size was
larger than 
the place on the page left for it. In this case it will be placed on the
next page. In principle,
this problem may be solved by some formatting of the paper "by hand". 

By the way, does someone know a better way of dealing with the empty

Have success, Alexei 


V7 on windows XP.

I normally use Mathematica just to do the computation/solving/verification 
part and then use Latex for actually writing my final homework and school 
report (I use Scientific workplace SW).

Today I decided to give Mathematica another try to see if I can write the 
whole thing in one document, i.e. code and report. This way everything is in

one place and no need to copy and paste stuff between Mathematica and SW.

For the last hour and more I have been fighting with Mathematica to make 
Text cells look nice after exporting to PDF. i.e. i'd like lines to be of 
reasonably equal length.

Mathematica break lines in places where I do not want it to, so I end up 
with text paragraphs that looks like the following on the screen and also in

PDF (notice the extra spaces even to the left of some lines)


So, this is what I tried, but I am about to give up, but I thought let me 
post this and may be there is simple solution that I am missing.

First I turned OFF the LineBreakWithin (i.e. set it to false from automatic 
in the option inspector, did this for Global, Notebook and Selection). btw, 
why does an "X" still show up sometime the the left of an option name after 
I change its value?

So, now my lines are very long and they are cut off when printing. I.e. they

are like this


So, I select the text cell again, and did Format->WordWrapping->Wrap at 
paper width, but now it looks like

xxxxxxx| text here not showing
xxxxxxx| ......
xxxxxxx| .....
xxxxxxx| .....

and the rest of each line (if it longer than page width) is not visible on 
the screen and neither in PDF.

Next I went to option inspector and set "PageWidth" to paperWidth (it was 
infinity) I could only change this option in Global and not in notebook or 
Selection (the field was grayed out there). ?

But this did not help either. For lines that are too long, I can see the 
rest of the line on the screen and have to scroll horizontally to see it.

I tried many other things.

Does any one know what is the best combination of options/formatting to use 
so that text cells would looks the best for printing?  and which font to use

for best results?

btw, I try to not hit carriage return when I write text in a text cell. 
Turning off LineBreakWithin seems to be the key option to play with, but I 
think I made things worst.

I tried also to change the cell style  to ItemParagraph from text, but this 
did not seem to help much.

I would love to use Mathematica to typeset my reports, but I still find 
Latex output via SW easier to work with.

ps. I use Report style sheet, but even default style sheet has the same 

I put the current notebook here that I am trying these things on, so you can

see the mess I made with the text cells

thanks for any hints


Alexei Boulbitch, Dr., habil.
Senior Scientist

ZAE Weiergewan
11, rue Edmond Reuter
L-5326 Contern

Phone: +352 2454 2566
Fax:   +352 2454 3566


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