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Re: How to format Superscript and Subscript for a symbol to the same vertical level??

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104218] Re: How to format Superscript and Subscript for a symbol to the same vertical level??
  • From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:38:36 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>

> I am actually trying to use Mathematica more to type set some math inside 
> a Text cell, and the above is one problem I find.  I actually use the 
> keyboard and type Ctrl9 to open a math cell inside the text cell and type
>            x Ctrl ^2 spacebar Ctrl _1
> and I get
>    2
> (x   )
>       1
> when I want
>  2
> x
>  1

I found a way, but an awkward way to do the above. Here are the steps

Ctrl-9 to open math cell (I am inside a text cell) then typed

x Ctrl[6] 2    (this is the same as Ctrl^2 for superscript

now I selected x again (did this to prevent the parenthesis from being 
created) and typed Ctrl[-] 1    for subscript

But now the "2" and "1" are not on the same level, so now I selected the "2" 
and typed Alt[Left] few times until it is aligned over the "1".   Alt[left] 
is Nudge Left (use the arrow key)

Ok, the output is ok, but too many steps to do, and I think Latex looks 
little better?  Here is screen shot for Mathematica and for latex to compare

I hope there still a way to do this easier in Mathematica.


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