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Re: Using Mathematica 5.2 and 7.01 with separate settings

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104319] Re: Using Mathematica 5.2 and 7.01 with separate settings
  • From: Alexey <lehin.p at>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 05:00:24 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <h9ab6s$mmv$> <ha20tu$n2g$>

On 25 Oct, 08:18, Albert Retey <a... at> wrote:
> since this has come up more than once, I would like to mention that
> actually I think everything is still there, it is just not documented
> and of course deprecated, but for most purposes it is probably not
> necessary to have a Version 5 installed in parallel. E.g. you can export
> a Graphics3D as a 2D-Vector-Graphic just as Version 5 did doing the
> following:
> Get["Version5`Graphics`"]
> Plot3D[x, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}]
> now select the graphics, 'do save selection as' and choose a filename
> ending in e.g. eps. Of course one could try to automate the process and
> have a function do all that in one go. Of course you are limited to the
> graphics functionality of version 5. Oh, and don't forget to:
> Get["Version6`Graphics`"]
> to get back the new default behaviour.
> hth,
> albert

As I have mentioned before, I need internal 2D-representation of
Graphics3D as Graphics for having an ability to optimize 2D-vector
representation of Graphics3D before exporting in vector format.
Unfortunately, v.7 have no ability to transform Graphics3D into
Graphics, try the following:

In[1]:= << Version5`Graphics`
g = Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2, 2}]

During evaluation of In[1]:= GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\
%%Creator: Mathematica
%%AspectRatio: .81114
% End of Graphics

Out[2]= - SurfaceGraphics -

During evaluation of In[1]:= Graphics3D::optx: Unknown option
DefaultAxesStyle in Options[Graphics3D]. >>

Out[3]= - Graphics -

The result of evaluation of Graphics[g] is an empty graphics instead
of 2D-representation of 'g' as it is in v.5.

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