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.swf export and hyperlinking

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109073] .swf export and hyperlinking
  • From: telefunkenvf14 <rgorka at>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 06:55:26 -0400 (EDT)

I need to generate an image with an underlying hyperlink to other
content (on my computer and on the web).

Why? I'm using a type of presentation software that only allows for
Flash objects as described, or else I'd have to include the entire
messy URL in order to hyperlink. A rep for the company told me I could
do this in Flash itself, essentially generate a 'button', but I only
have a trial version of Flash and it expires very soon.

Here's what I've tried: Wrapping the documentation hyperlink examples
in Export to .swf. Also tried including the 'button' option for
displaying a hyperlink in Mathematica, with no luck. It seems the .flv
and .swf are only setup to encode video content, ignoring other flash
features... Any ideas?

(Note: I have previously used the .swf and .flv export for videos/
animations and was VERY pleased with the results. Quite handy. Please
keep it in!! Support for MS Silverlight would also be useful.)


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