Re: ListPlot with two horizontal axes
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg109128] Re: ListPlot with two horizontal axes
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 04:08:10 -0400 (EDT)
data = Table[{x, x}, {x, 30, 300, 50}]; ListLinePlot[data, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, FrameLabel -> { {None, None}, {"Frequency in MHz", "Wavelength in meters" }}, FrameTicks -> { {Automatic, Automatic}, {Automatic, Join[ Flatten[ Table[{300/len, , {0.00625, 0.}, {GrayLevel[0.], AbsoluteThickness[0.125]}}, {n, 1, 3}, {len, 2^(n - 1), 2^n, 2^(n - 4)}], 1], Table[{300/len, len}, {len, 1, 10}]]}}, ImageSize -> 600, PlotRange -> {{30, 300}, Automatic}] Bob Hanlon ---- EliL <elansey at> wrote: ============= I have data I would like to plot with two horizontal axes. I.e. signal magnitude as a function of wavelength and frequency. Is there a way to label the horizontal axis with two scales? (Note, freq is inversely proportional to wavelength.) Thanks! Eli.