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Line changes length in animation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109333] Line changes length in animation
  • From: Jens-Christian Underberg <mail at example.invalid>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 03:31:05 -0400 (EDT)


I have two problems with the attached code simulateing a chaotic pendulum.

The first one seems easy: the replacement by sol doesn't seem to work 
and I cannot see why.

Without the Module I got it working, but another strange problem: In the 
animation, the length of the pendulum changes, although that is not 
explicable by numeric errors, since the Lagrange equations only give 
angles. The length is given bei the constraints ...

Does anyone have any idea?

Best regards

Pendel[Theta1_, Theta2_, Theta3_, Theta1p_, Theta2p_, Theta3p_, l1_,
   l2_, l3_, m1_, m2_, m3_, g_, tmax_] :=
  Module[{EQ1, EQ2, EQ3, length, params, x1, x2, x3, z1, z2, z3, L, L2,
     Pendel1, Pendel2, Pendel3},
   L[z1_, z2_, z3_, x1p_, x2p_, x3p_, z1p_, z2p_, z3p_] =
    1/2 m1 (x1p2 + z1p2) + 1/2 m2 (x2p2 + z2p2) +
     1/2*m3*(x3p2 + z3p2) + m1*g*z1 + m2*g*z2 + m2*g*z3;
   x1[t_ ] = l1*Sin[\[Theta]1[t]];
   z1[t_] = l1*Cos[\[Theta]1[t]];
   x2[t_] = x1[t] + l2*Sin[\[Theta]2[t]];
   z2[t_] = z1[t] + l2*Cos[\[Theta]2[t]];
   x3[t_] = x1[t] + x2[t] + l3*Sin[\[Theta]3[t]];
   z3[t_] = z1[t] + z2[t] + l3*Cos[\[Theta]3[t]];
   L2 = L[ z1[t], z2[t], z3[t], x1'[t], x2'[t], x3'[t], z1'[t], z2'[t],
   EQ1 = D[D[L2, \[Theta]1'[t]], t] - D[L2, \[Theta]1[t]] == 0;
   EQ2 = D[D[L2, \[Theta]2'[t]], t] - D[L2, \[Theta]2[t]] == 0;
   EQ3 = D[D[L2, \[Theta]3'[t]], t] - D[L2, \[Theta]3[t]] == 0;
   sol = NDSolve[{\[Theta]1[0] == Theta1, \[Theta]2[0] ==
        Theta2, \[Theta]3[0] == Theta3, \[Theta]1'[0] ==
        Theta1p, \[Theta]2'[0] == Theta2p, \[Theta]3'[0] == Theta3p,
       EQ1, EQ2, EQ3} , {\[Theta]1[t], \[Theta]2[t], \[Theta]3[t]}, {t,
        0, tmax}, MaxSteps -> 109, MaxStepSize -> 0.001]  // Flatten;
   Pendel1[t_] = ({x1[t], -z1[t]} /. sol) ;
   Pendel2[t_] =  ({x2[t], -z2[t]} /. sol) ;
   Pendel3[t_] =  ({x3[t], -z3[t]} /. sol) ;
   length = 2*(l1 + l2 + l3) ;
    Show[ParametricPlot[Pendel3[s], {s, 0, t},
      PlotRange -> {{-length, length}, {-length, length}}],
     Graphics[{Line[{{0, 0}, Pendel1[t], Pendel2[t], Pendel3[t]}],
       Disk[Pendel1[t], Sqrt[m1]/5], Disk[Pendel2[t], Sqrt[m2]/5],
       Disk[Pendel3[t], Sqrt[m3]/5]},
      PlotRange -> {{-length, length}, {-length, length}}]], {t, 0,
     tmax, 0.001}, AnimationRate -> 0.7] ]

Pendel[Pi/2, 0.3, 0.3, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 70]

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