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Re: Button Problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109328] Re: Button Problem
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 03:30:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hqgued$6k1$>

Gehrmann wrote:
> I am using Mathematica 7 to analyze a large data set and have written
> a program which runs successfully when invoked as follows:
> analyzer["C:\\mdtp\\Jim\\Data\\Data\\Field07Aout.txt", "abc", "All",
>   "All", "-9", "PT", "-9", "CC", "EQ", "1", "1", "No", "{1}"];
> However, I would like to create a button notebook which allows the
> user to change parameters and push a button once the desired
> parameters have been chosen.  I've tried the following statements:
> Get["C:\\mdtp\\currentparameters.txt"];  (*reads the same parameters
> used above from a file*)
> Button["Click Here to Produce Summary and Question Analyses",
>   analyzer[testnamex, sourcenm, specification, selecteddatnm,
>   posttestcorr, posttestnm, coursecorr, coursecorrnm, equator,
>   ToExpression[alph], ToExpression[bet], graffile, qtoshow]]
> which displays a button--on pushing the button the analyzer routine is
> invoked but doesn't complete--no error message is displayed.  I
> believe that this button approach is exceeding some time or memory
> limit but haven't been able to determine which in order to make the
> button invocation method work.  I would appreciate any help on this.
> Thanks.
I don't think there is enough information here to decide what is 
happening, but I would guess that analyzer is being called with the 
wrong arguments. If for example the definition of analyzer limits its 
arguments to particular types - e.g. x_String - then if you call the 
function with the wrong type of argument, nothing will happen.

Possible suggestions:

1) Put the whole notebook, plus input file somewhere on the internet, 
and someone will probably determine what has gone wrong.

2) Test the code by calling Get and then calling analyzer without using 
the button.

3) Add some Print commands to analyzer to determine if it is being 
called, and how far it gets.

I don't think this problem is connected with running out of memory. If 
the kernel runs out of memory, it will tell you.

David Bailey

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