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Re: Experimental`NumericalFunction::dimsl

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109388] Re: Experimental`NumericalFunction::dimsl
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 04:03:17 -0400 (EDT)

You are correct that we're rarely willing to wade through a lot of code,  
and you're correct that it's not always necessary.

But frequently, it may be a lot of code, but it doesn't matter; I just  
evaluate it, I get to the point where your error appears, and then I can  
start sleuthing... without having to understand all your code.

And sometimes I _do_ wade through and understand all the code (out of  
curiosity), and if so, I usually improve it. Not in your case,  
necessarily... but often.

So... use your own judgment, of course.


On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:57:46 -0500, Joe Hays <hays.joe at> wrote:

> Fair enough. I had considered including my code but chose not to so I  
> didn't
> dump a blob of code for you all to wade through. I was hoping that  
> someone
> had at least seen the mystery error and had a general suggestion.
> Here is what I've learned in the past day. The mystery error appears to  
> be
> starting point related. In all scenarios that I had experienced the  
> error I
> was letting FindMinimum select the starting point based on my  
> constraints.
> For whatever reason, the starting point that FindMinimum was selecting  
> for
> my problem planted the seed for this unknown error that rears its head  
> late
> in the execution.
> When I specified my own starting point(s) I stopped experiencing the  
> error.
> I have no explanation. My problem is mildly nonconvex but continuous so I
> expected FindMinimum to settle on a local minimum (not to die on an  
> error).
> Anyway, as of right now I appear to be up and running.
> So, if anyone gets this problem in the future my suggestion is to
> investigate specifying your own starting point(s). If that doesn't help  
> then
> I'm not sure what to suggest.
> Thanks for the response DrMajorBob. I'd be happy to share my code if  
> you're
> curious but as I said I left it out so the group didn't have to wade  
> through
> it.
> Joe
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:40 AM, DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>  
> wrote:
>> You gave us NOTHING to work with. How can we guess the problem, without
>> seeing the code?
>> Bobby
>> On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 02:50:07 -0500, Joe Hays <hays.joe at> wrote:
>>  Hello all,
>>> I'm stumped with an error code I'm getting from FindMinimum after it  
>>> runs
>>> for over 7 minutes. Its,
>>> <snip>
>>> Experimental`NumericalFunction::dimsl: {-0.8} given in -0.8 should be a
>>> list
>>> of dimensions for a particular argument.
>>> FindMinimum::dimsl: {-0.8} given in -0.7999999999999636` should be a  
>>> list
>>> of
>>> dimensions for a particular argument.
>>> </snip>
>>> This is all I'm given. There is no documentation on this error and it
>>> seems
>>> odd that I'd get it so long after the function has already been  
>>> executing.
>>> So, I'm completely stumped...
>>> Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Joe
>> --
>> DrMajorBob at

DrMajorBob at

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