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Frontend option settings

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111723] Frontend option settings
  • From: "Niels R. Walet" <niels.walet at>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 04:48:27 -0400 (EDT)

I have problems with some graphics rich notebooks, that really seem to 
tax my frontend (Mathematica 7.01, linux 64 bits). They were OK but slow  under 
6, but just having to wait a few to many minutes using 7 if I highlight 
a graphics grid (to make it larger) makes things unusable. The options 
for graphics in the notebook preferences don't seem to be very well 
documented :-(, so any sensible suggestion what to do would be appreciated.

Prof. Niels R. Walet                   Phone:  +44(0)1613063693
School of Physics and Astronomy        Fax:    +44(0)1613064303
The University of Manchester           Mobile: +44(0)7905438934
Manchester, M13 9PL,  UK               room 7.7, Schuster Building
email: Niels.Walet at 

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